Creating and Saving Custom Video Segments


General Overview:

The My Content section allows anyone who is logged in with a user account to manage and access their own custom segments. Custom segments provide another level of customization, allowing you to create the perfect segment that best meets your needs. When you create a custom segment, you are creating a virtual segment using in and out points of the video. These segments do not alter the original video and are not downloadable. Segments that are created are visible on the segments tab of any video they were originally created from, at the bottom of the segments tab. 

All custom segments are stored in the My Content section of your account and can be organized into folders. 

Custom Segments Can Be Created From:

  • Video (Full Titles and Segments)
  • Custom Content

Custom Segments Cannot Be Created From:

  • Web Channel Videos


Creating Custom Segments:

Custom Segments can be created using the Segment page tool located below the video player.

If you do not see the Custom Segment page tool, please refer to this article on setting user preferences to verify that you have the Custom Segment page tool enabled.


The My Content section contains the following features and functionality related to custom segments:

The View All drop-down in the top, right-hand corner of this section allows you to quickly filter your content down to just custom segments if you like.  The rest of the actions for custom segments are outlined below.

  1. Add Folder - Use this button to create new folders that will be accessible in any section.
  2. Filter Content - Use the drop-down to filter specific types of content within My Content.  Select Custom Segments to see only those quickly.
  3. Delete - Clicking on Delete will allow you to delete a segment. You will be prompted to confirm that you really want to perform this action.
  4. Move - Move your custom segment into a different folder.
  5. Share - Clicking on Share will open a new section below the segment with the direct URL back to this segment media viewer page. This is an authenticated link that will require someone to login before they can view the content. It is possible that other people may not have the same content in their accounts and therefore will not be able to view everything shared.
  6. Embed/Link - Click to view the record URL for your custom segment or copy an embed code in various sizes.



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