Browsing for Content


Films On Demand offers many different ways for users to browse the content. Using the MENU option that is available in the top left corner of every page, users can easily access the following:


Featured Subjects:

Selecting this menu option allows you to view video content categorized by subject and will direct you to an index page.  The Video Subject index contains a listing of all subjects and groups available to you, along with the video count for each.  You have the option of clicking on a specific featured subject or using the View All link at the bottom of this list.


Featured Categories:

Selecting this menu option allows you to view video content and series grouped into curated categories by our staff.  The Category index contains a listing of all categories and you can click on one of these tiles to view all related videos and series.  You have the option of clicking on a specific featured category or using the View All link at the bottom of this list.


Featured Producers:

Selecting this menu option allows you to view video content categorized by producer and will direct you to an index page. The Video Producer Index contains a Featured Producers list and a full list of all producers with an alphabetical index at at the top of the page to quickly filter the list down.  The producer list contains all Video on Demand producers, web channel producers and any custom content producers if you have titles setup in your admin portal.  You have the option of clicking on a specific featured category or using the View All link at the bottom of this list.



Selecting Calendar from this menu redirects you to a complete calendar page containing timely topics, holidays, famous people, etc, all linked to resources. The current month will be visible by default.  Clicking on any event will take you to a list of all resources in your account related to the specific calendar item.


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